Upcoming Events

Stay up-to-date with our latest events here:

British Association for Local History (Talk) – Heraldry, Yes Heraldry! Tuesday 18th February 7:00pm with Anna Bullard

Join the British Association for Local History for their talk: Heraldry, Yes Heraldry! Exploring the meaning and relevance of heraldry and heraldic research for family and local history.

In this talk, Ann Ballard will explore what is behind heraldry, its meaning and relevance in historical research. She will be introducing the key elements of heraldry, and demonstrating the clues that can be found in heraldic study for family and local history research. 

To find out more visit the BALH Events page. LSG members can book at a discounted rate of £3 (normal rate £5). The discount code will be circulated to members via email. For queries relating to the discount please email us at landscapesurveygroup@gmail.com.

Bodmin, Cornwall Spring Meeting 28th-30th March 2025 

Join us for our 2025 spring meeting in Bodmin, Cornwall! We will be hosting a programme of field trips and talks focussing on the unique archaeological landscapes of this special corner of the British Isles. 

  • Friday 28th March – Fieldtrip to mid-Cornwall sites.
  • Saturday 29th March – Talks and guided walks with permitted access to Goodaver Stone Circle and Trezibbett hamlets and landscape.
  • Sunday 30th March – Fieldtrip to Roughtor.

This event offers a rare opportunity to access prehistoric and medieval landscapes which are usually closed to the public. This event would not be possible without the kind permission given to us by the landowners allowing us to lead trips across their lands.

Members will be contacted by email with further details. If you are currently not a member and wish to attend this event then please visit our Join Us page for details on joining our group.