Past Events

We have been running events since we were established in 2014. You can find a list of our highlight events below:

LSG Conferences

Thetford 2019Expansive Landscapes: Recording Human Intervention by Archaeological Survey

Monmouth 2017Productive Landscapes: New Perspectives from Archaeological Survey

Exeter 2016Active Landscapes: Recording Change by Archaeological Survey

Shrewsbury 2015Landscape Narratives: Creating Stories from Archaeological Survey

Sheffield 2014Landscape Perspectives: New Approaches in Archaeological Survey

Conference Sessions

Landscape Archaeology Conference Newcastle 2018Transhumance; Community Landscape Recording; Roman Military Landscapes; Coastal Archaeology; Historic Landscape Characterisation

CIfA Brighton 2018Collaborative Approaches to Managing Cultural Heritage in Challenging Landscapes (co-ran by LSG)

European Association of Archaeologists Glasgow 2015Landscape Legacies in World Heritage Sites: Recording for Conservation and Management (co-ran by LSG)

CIfA Glasgow 2014Research in Landscape Archaeology: The Way Forward

Meetings and Field Trips

Lincoln AGM and Spring Meeting 2024 – Tours of Historic Lincoln Field Trip to Riseholme Estate

Stroud AGM and Spring Meeting 2019 – Tours of Historic Stroud and Field Trip to Minchinhampton Common (supported by Cotswold Archaeology)

Reading AGM and Spring Meeting 2018 – Field Trips to Rampier Copse, The Frith, and Silchester Roman Town

New Forest AGM and Spring Meeting 2017 – Field Trips to Whitemore, Lyndhurt

York AGM and Spring Meeting 2016 – Tour of Walmgate Stray and Field Trip to Wharram Percy

Edinburgh AGM and Spring Meeting 2015 – Visit to Holyrood Park

Winchester AGM and Spring Meeting 2014 – Visit to St Catherine’s Hill